High Thought is a difficult-to-categorize, sporatic Substack about (high) thoughts, art, process, life, friends, & everything else that it’s possible to have thoughts about. Written by me, Cait Oppermann, an artist based sometimes in New York but usually almost nowhere. That’s part of why I started this thing — a road companion, a place to collect my thoughts at this particular juncture in life, a more meaningful outlet with more words and more sketches and a great deal less likes.

High Thought is a combination of notes, sketches, excitements, thoughts on photography, art in general, life, friends.

Sometimes I think hard on these things. Other times, the less thought the better.

In fact, ChatGPT helped me explain the concept of this Substack in the very first High Thought:

There are things like this:

In the same breath as things like this:

Come on in, if you even dare!


@caitoppermann & @flowersfullservice

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High Thought is intimate infusion of (high) thoughts, written with consideration for those interested in the creative process & whatever else. : )


Photographer / director / creative. Based almost nowhere. Hudson Valley & NYC for the most part. 🌸